Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Much More Ado About Nothing

This post is another one of them random posts, though not a product of hours of idle thought, rather that of idle net searching or something of the sort. It is a post, that while a product of the daze i find myself in today, doesnot comment directly upon said daze. It is also similar in its intent to that damned post, however i will promise you better language, sentence construction and editing this time around(for the most part).

Today's post is about the word 'Wikisexual'. Now in most places the word is used for people who get off on Wikipedia or collaborative webtyping in gen. And normally I'd be fine and leave it at that. But the more literal interpretation of the word is so much more interesting - I have to give it mention, and hope that the efforts of my lone blog might help push this interpretation into mainstream use.

Ok, so what does Wikisexual literally mean? Well in english, a wiki has come to mean a collaborative webpage, ie a web-document that anyone can edit (and sexual means, well- If i have to explain that, you shouldn't be here, shoo!) Putting 2 and 2 together, we conclude a wikisexual is basically someone who's sexuality is defined at random by the people around him, influenced by them as they please. In other words if someone comes up to you tomorrow and tells you bestiality is hot and you start looking at rover in an entirely different way, well, you're probably a wikisexual(and honestly, how many people Do you know who are like that?) Thusly, we see wikisexuals should be they that are the ultimate Goats(see my earlier posts) of sexuality, and That, I propose, should be the most definitive usage.

Now I can claim originality - I have the time to trawl through the net and check , but not the inclination - neither for defining wikisexual in this way nor even for using the literal english meaning of wiki in a wiki based compound word (see wikifriends - xkcd) and I don't really care (in fact, when have i ever).

However, if you'll note, I've carefully stated that the definition of wiki i gave is the english definition. And that's because Wiki is originally the Hawaiian word for quick. So using that literally would mean wikisexuals are people who get off quickly, ie the whole herd of premature ejaculators that fuel half the spam on the internet. This i'm sure is a definition original in almost every way. And, probably, the funniest of them all.

Good night, Planet Earth!