Thursday, August 03, 2006

Black Isaac

You should probably read the post below. It explains why I must either post this now or never again

I apologise if this sounds racist, it isn't meant to be. I had to go through a lot of books to find this. It is quite old and, by the way, unfinished.

Here goes.

"Have you met Black Isaac,
A terrible terrible thing,
He has a chip on his shoulder,
And carries his heart on a string.

You may well have seen Black Isaac,
Stands out amongst the crowd,
Eyes as black as the blackest pitch,
And followed by a cloud, a cloud!
And followed by a cloud.

You may not hear Black Isaac,
'Tis said that ne'er he speaks,
He dwells 'pon but terrible things,
And silence 'bout him reeks, it reeks;
And silence 'bout him reeks.

To meet him is to mourn him,
Tho' terrible he may be,
His eyes are wells of sorrow deep,
His voice, the trembling sea, the sea!
His voice the trembling sea."

I hope that it is completed someday.



Blogger Sagar Kolte said...

black isaac with a curse,
deep a wound for him to nurse.
he holds the key to the kill,
upon the sweltering, ominous hill.

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Man...
First time I read your blog.

Will miss you surely once you are gone.

You wont be lonely that is one thing I can promise you.;;i rode all the way till Regal till i took a U turn..though will see you soon...

Take care...

9:21 AM  
Blogger Chitrak said...

Thanx. Will miss you too, man. Till tomorrow...

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(. .)

Kilroy was here

4:25 AM  

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