Wednesday, July 18, 2007


(Which would be RR5 if not for my tendency to keep holding down the shift key)

The thing is I never get time to blog... So i figured now is as good a time as any.

Recently I've had a lot of things to do. I'm home, as far as I can say that, and that home happens to be Bombay.

I don't usually have much to do, so i sit and do things...useless things. F'rinstance these two games (let them be stated here before anyone else states them(that too, elsewhere) so I can claim sole copyright, in the event that such useless things as internet timepass games become copyrightable, and yea, financially worth a goddamn copyright. Ahem!(are you lost yet? If so, in the words of Deedee - "Good!" If not, ah well, read on!))
The first of which isn't really a game, I dunnow why i even post it here. In fact I'm not sure its what i wanted to have posted at all, but wth, till I can think of the original thinger I'll have to make do with this: The Gtalk Game-Who's on First.....(man that title is crappy!) Its a fun exercise and goes something like this: If you have gtalk, take a good hard look at your friendslist. You will notice there the names of certain contacts arranged in alphabetical order. If you extend the program to span the height of your screen, this list may get very large indeed. Now comes the fun, cut down the height by one(ie shorten it by the length of one contact box) and see who gets knocked off the list. Grin with evil as you rate your friends mechanically by who talks to you most on gtalk. Continue till one person is left. Who is this person? The one you are destined to marry. Go throw a nice party in their honour! Yay!!!(All kidding aside, it is alot of fun just to see...So who tops Your list? Hmmmm?)

Game two is a bit more interesting, and seeing as it is actually a game, i wouldn't be surprised if some bored internet losers(like me) even make whole tournaments of it. Its called 6 degrees of Youtube and goes like this:

Find or think or hear about some obscure video on youtube.

Go to the Youtube main page.

Now using anything on that page and with out using your keyboard to type things in or copy-paste to put together word fragments in the search bar, try to find that vid. It isn't as easy as you think, in fact it takes alot of brain racking. For instance for my first try I tried to find my vid(one with Jude screaming), the only one i have up so far... I got as far as some indian dude doing yogic stunts for free before i realised my vid was way too obscure and gave up. However take something less obscure, hell, even memorise what tags it has, and try to find it. and when you've mastered that: Race your friends. And after that get a life.

If you have done all the above, that means you are pretty much as bored as i am and probably half as screwed up as well. As for me, I must really get back to doing things. Useful things maybe. I'll let you know if it works out. For now, bye bye!

PS A word from our sponsors There is a Cabal but they aren't too proud about it... >:D mwahahaha, nighty night!



Blogger Supriya said...

phew... i'm less bored than you

12:30 AM  
Blogger Chitrak said...

So i've noticed....

4:09 AM  
Blogger Sagar Kolte said...

hahahahaha! this is a good post!

11:29 AM  
Blogger juice said...

haha...must try them both out. your boredom seems to have led to a strange brilliance of sorts...or so i think (which must make me just as bored i suppose).
ah well, it made me laugh.

7:18 AM  

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